Value of Self Worth

Confident Woman: The Value of Self Worth

When we discuss the “career-minded woman,” we often think of things like navigating the corporate ladder, building your resume, or brushing up on your soft skills. We rarely think of it in terms of Valuing your Self-Worth. After all, isn’t self-worth more of a personal concept? Isn’t that something you deal with in counseling or at church?

The answer is no. Self-Worth follows you everywhere. It’s you as a whole person. It’s how you view yourself and ultimately dictates how you treat yourself and others. When you see yourself as someone of worth, you will garner more respect and confidence.

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Many of us struggle with self-worth. We see our flaws and our failures. We compare ourselves to those around us. Trust me, I am guilty of this more than I would like to admit. We don’t take risks because we think “I’m not smart enough,” or “people will think I’m weird,” or “(Fill in the blank) is better liked and more connected, I’m just better off behind the scenes.” We discount who we were created to be and discount the strengths we have been given.

Signs you may be struggling with self-worth:

  1. You tend to be indecisive during meetings or when someone asks your opinion.

  2. You use self-deprecating humor.

  3. You compare yourself to others often, feeling like you have little value.

  4. You tend to not take risks on things you would like to accomplish. (ie. You don’t apply for jobs, because you're afraid to be told no, you don’t try something new because you're afraid to fail.)

The good news is, you don’t have to continue to struggle. You can celebrate the beautiful person you were created to be flaws and all without focusing or fixating on the flaws.

How do you do this? How do you celebrate your self-worth?

  1. Recognize there is only one you! Celebrate your uniqueness. You have unique skills, abilities, and strengthens.

  2. Own your Strengths. I know for me personally, it’s been hard to own the fact that I am a big picture person. I wish I was detailed. I wish I could see all the little things that go into making something work, but I don’t. I see the big picture. I see the beginning and the end. I see the ability for growth. I have to own it because the person who is detailed oriented might not be able to connect the bigger dots. We are all made for a purpose and to help one another.

  3. Recognize your weaknesses. This is important because it allows you to recognize your need for help. None of us can do this life on our own and none of us are equipped to do it all. You aren’t perfect and recognizing the fact you weren’t created to be perfect can be very liberating.

  4. Take Risks. Part of celebrating your self-worth is also taking risks. Dare to dream. Dare to step out of your comfort zone and reach for those goals you have always wanted to go for. Don’t let comparison or fear of being judged or fear of failure stop you!

When you start to recognize your worth you will innately become more confident, more self-assured, and more accepting of others. So take some time today to celebrate YOU!

