Workplace Support- Comeback from Covid

Right now, more than possibly ever before, women are looking to their employers for understanding and support as they navigate the dual role of mom and career. I want to take a look at this from two perspectives…

1. From Management - what can we do to support and provide security while still getting the work from our teams?

2. From the Career Minded Woman-what questions and conversations do I need to have in order to pull this fall season off?

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For Managers -

For those of us that own businesses or manage teams, one of the most important things we can offer is security. Letting people know that they are going to have a job and you are going to work with them- through this time gives them the confidence to just do what needs to be done. When people feel confident they have better attitudes, better time management, and better work product! Communicate confidence, flexibility, security, and support.

Asking questions will help you and your employees come up with solutions prior to problems arising. For example, if you ask “what do the next 3 weeks look like for you (and your kids) and how do you see it impacting your ability to get these 2 projects done?” - You have the opportunity to show compassion and flexibility BEFORE they ask for it! The attitude of both you and the employee will be so much more relaxed and positive. In fact, you both might realize you need to put some extra people on the team or extend the deadline or take something else off the plate so the focus can be on the important things first. If instead, you waited until that same employee is 10 days into the chaotic schedule- they know they are not able to make it work, feeling stressed and frustrated. They come to you in a “panic” not even knowing what to ask. They just know they are overwhelmed! It’s always best to get ahead of things to keep morale high.

Be flexible, but set clear expectations. In all honesty, you most likely don’t care when or how the work gets done- just that it does. Make clear deadlines, objectives, and markers to measure progress, and then be flexible about how those things come to be.

For The Woman in the trenches:

The pull of our hearts right now to NOT let a single ball drop. While we juggle our homes, our marriages, our jobs, all the normal things our kids need, and NOW SCHOOL, we fully expect ourselves to DO IT ALL. Being real here… that is not reasonable! Life right now has to constantly be changing and molding to the situations we are being put in. So cut yourself some slack, grab a notepad, and make a few notes about realistic expectations for the next 2-4 weeks.

Look ahead and ask for what you are going to need. Maybe you need some assistance; this can be in any area- housework, childcare, another person on your team at work, someone to do some research for you, someone to edit, file, or do some of the busy-work so your time can be prioritized to the things YOU need to be the one to do. Remember this is an ever-changing season and what you need in September may look totally different than November, so keep adjusting and looking ahead.

Have conversations that put expectations, limits, realistic concerns, and solutions on the table. Whether it is with your spouse or your employer, letting them know what is coming up will help them be able to provide the support and security you need to handle things well.

Let some things go. Maybe you don’t have a perfectly manicured yard for the next six weeks or maybe every meal isn’t home-cooked, or maybe the new logo design has to wait so you can keep up with the daily communication to keep your business running right now- it’s okay!

Leia Hardimon

Director of Communication and Fundraising

