Things I learned from Potty Training

Well we finally did it  . . . we potty trained our little one. I had been talking about potty training for months. I had read all the books, googled everything imaginable, and probably annoyed my friends and family with how much I obsessed over it.

I had initial planned to potty train months ago, but without fail something always got in the way. (Really, I think it was my own anxiety!) Not going to lie, I was dreading this. I mean who wants to spend all waking hours with their 2 year old sitting on a potty, talking about the potty, and cleaning up accidents? No one.

But I did it! I took an entire week off of work, and I potty trained my kid.  And you know what?? IT WAS GREAT! (exhausting, but awesome!)

I know everyone has different experiences, and no two kids are the same, but I want to share a few things I learned for those future potty-training mamas!

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1.      Its all about YOUR MINDSET. I had to change my mindset. I told myself no matter what this week was for potty training, nothing else. No dinners or lunches with friends, no running errands, no screen time, and no negativity (even a little progress was progress).

2.      Your child doesn’t have to check off all the boxes on the “Are they ready to potty train checklist.” My daughter showed some interest in potty training prior, but certainly did not have all the boxes checked. Some will tell you to wait for your kid’s cues, or to ease into it. However, for me that was just an excuse to put it off. I had to jump all in, and you know what? Turns out she was more than ready!

3.      No screen time. Yes, I am a mom who allows her daughter to have screen time. Yes, I am a counselor. Yes, I know the research. But I am also a working mom!  However, during potty training we did zero screen time during the day. For us, this was key for the first 2 days. It allowed my daughter and I to focus on her biological cues. It was exhausting; however, we were able to connect on so many levels. The uninterrupted time with my daughter was an added bonus!

4.      Day 1 will probably feel like a failure, that’s normal. Day 1 really took me for a loop. We had more accidents than wins. I felt defeating! However, I realized it was normal. I also realized whether she used the potty or she had an accident it was a learning experience. It was a WIN no matter what!

5.      Your little one will surprise you! Its funny how you learn more about your kids each day. However, what I didn’t expect was to learn how my child receives praise. All the potty training books and blogs tell you to give your kids lots of praise when they use the potty successfully. Praise them, reward them with m&ms or stickers. What they don’t tell you is some kids just don’t like that. I learned my daughter is fairly modest, even at 2. When I praised her the first time she told me she didn’t like it. She asked me to be quiet. So, I had to adapt. Remember your little one is unique!  Enjoy getting to know them more through this experience. Don’t miss it!

6.      Enjoy this time. Enjoy watching your child grow through this experience and gain more independence. For me, it was super sweet. It meant we were entering a new phase of development. It also meant I had passed another mommy milestone. Celebrate it!

So for all you future potty training mamas, Good Luck! You’ve got this. Even if you feel ill-equipped, remember we are all in this together. No one has this all figured out. Relax and enjoy making memories with your kiddo!

We are so blessed to have Clayr share her experience as a mom AND as a professional! Thank you for such a fun article - reminding us to fully embrace every part of being mom!- there are blessings awaiting us!


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