10 Assertive Phrases

Remember, you can be assertive without being aggressive. Assertiveness is about not compromising on your values or beliefs and being straightforward in communication with others.

• “Thank you but, I’m not interested.”

• “No Thank you, I need to prioritize ______”

• “Thank you for thinking of me, but I can’t make it today”

• “Thank you for keeping me in the loop on ________”

o, Work Example: “Thank you for keeping me in the loop on the AIM project, I’ll need to include Karen in our next meeting. She is going to lead the rest of the project.”

• “I’ll have to think this over and get back to you”

• “I appreciated your thoughts about _____; however, next time _______.”

o, Work Example: “I appreciate your thoughts about the AIM project and our current strategy’ however, please speak to me personally if you have an issue with the way it’s being managed. I did not appreciate your tone in the meeting with the business owners.”

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• “I disagree with you, but I can still appreciate your point of view”

• “I would appreciate it if ___________”

o Work Example: “I would appreciate it if you would let me know about our project meetings earlier. Mine tends to fill up fast, and I want to ensure I am able to prioritize this project.”

• “I believe _____________ would be a better ___________”

o Work Example: “I believe pulling this data would be a better indicator of

our success. I understand you feel enrollment numbers are a better fit, but have you considered the engagement rate.” o Work Example: I believe developing an outline would be a better use of our time, instead of working on developing the content”

• “My policy is ____________.”

o Work Example: “My policy is to not friend work associates on social

media. Sometimes social media can inhibit a good working relationship, but I appreciate you thinking of me.”

