Mason Jar Activity

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Engage your child in fun family activities and prioritize your relationships and spend more quality time together this fall!

This activity is designed to help you put together an activity jar to pull from on a weekly or monthly basis. It will help you plan and be more intentional about spending quality time with your children.

Project Materials:

1. Mason Jar or any cup/jar (solo cup will work just fine if needed)

2. Popsicle Sticks

3. Markers, Stickers, or anything you wish to decorate your jar with on the outside


1. Get a Mason jar or any type of cup. You can even use a solo cup if you have nothing else! Decorate the outside of the cup. Maybe put your family name or something fun!

2. Sit down and come up with a list of fun activities you and your child enjoy. These can range from free

activities like going on a walk, to activities that require planning and money.

3. Categorize your list into activities that are free and easily accessible, to activities that require some planning and a small financial investment, to lastly, activities that require more planning and more financial investment.


Category 1

• Going on nature walk one afternoon

• Watch your favorite show

• Playing outside in the sprinkler

• Family game night

• Go to a park and play hide and seek as a family (my family used to do this when I was little, it was the highlight of my summers)

Category 2 (requires some planning and/or some $)

• Find a free museum and go one afternoon

• Go to Sonic for a fun treat (My husband loves to do this weekly with my daughter and then they go watch airplanes take off at the airport)

• Make homemade pizza one night with your favorite toppings or ice cream sundaes

• Water balloon fight in the backyard or camp out with smores (you could even build a blanket fort and make smores)

Created by Clayr Simnacher Work Mom Repeat Please do not reproduce without permission.

Category 3 (Requires planning and $$)

• Girls Mani/Pedi day

• Go to the movies or a dinner date to your favorite restaurant

• Put together a picnic and go to the arboretum

• Try a mommy and me cooking class or fitness class 4. From your list, choose the top 3-4 activities in each category.

You can include all kinds of activities if you want, however, sometimes the lists get long, which is why I suggest choosing your top 3-4. 5. On your Popsicle sticks, write down 1 activity per stick. Color code them by category.

For example: if it’s a category 1 activity, use a red marker to write that activity or maybe color the end of the stick. Just something that tells you which category it belongs to. 6. You can decorate the Popsicle sticks if your child would like to. Then put the sticks into the jar!

From here, set your jar aside and determine what day you and your child will get to pick from the jar. You can let them know what category or color they need to choose from if you have limited time or budget, or you can let them choose any activity from the jar. Once your child picks a stick from the jar, make a plan to do that activity that same day or week, depending on how much planning is involved. This activity allows your child to be involved and excited about family fun. It also builds trust in your relationship and lets your kids know they are important!

Created by Clayr Simnacher Work Mom Repeat

Please do not reproduce without permission.

