Lessons Learned

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Can you believe it?  We’ve been living in a new reality brought on by Covid for about a year now.  It’s a lot to take in, and I’m sure we’ll all be analyzing and processing the effects of this strange period in history for years to come.  None of us have escaped the negative effects of Covid - some of us have gotten sick, and worse, some have lost loved ones to this terrible disease.  Others have lost jobs or had to completely rework their daily lives just to survive.  Again - it’s a lot.  And in no way do any of us here at Work Mom Repeat mean or want to minimize the destruction that Covid has wrought upon our families and communities.  Of course, we wish Covid had never reared its ugly head in this world.  But, sadly, it did.  And it’s not quite gone.  Still, as we look back on this truly mind-blowing last year, we wanted to take a few moments to reflect on some of the lessons learned and things we hope to take with us when we re-emerge into a post-Covid world.  In no particular order, here are some of the things from our lists:

  • Family dinners

  • Reading ALL the books

  • Finding new ways to connect with our spouses and kids

  • It’s never too late to learn a new skill

  • Community is essential

  • Checking in on old friends

  • Long walks

  • Spending time outdoors and connecting with nature

  • Rest is essential

  • There’s no place like home

  • Be grateful for everything your body can do

  • Don’t take anything for granted

  • Some things are just busyness and they don’t get back on the schedule 

What would you add to the list?  Let us know in the comments on our FB page.  And as always, please know we are here for you and would love to pray and support you through any hardships brought on by this crazy year.

Abby Foreman and Leia Hardimon - Work Mom Repeat


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